health and Safety

Our preschool is a place for a well child, so please keep your child home if he/she is ill. We cannot accept children with any of the following symptoms:

sore throat
unexplained rash
swollen glands
heavy nasal discharge
watery or red eyes
conjunctivitis (pink eye)
severe or persistent cough


Should a child become ill while at preschool we will notify the parents and the child will need to be taken home.

In the event a child contracts a communicable disease and exposes the other children, please notify the staff so other parents can be notified.

In the case of a medical emergency we will make an immediate attempt to contact a parent. If we can't reach a parent we will call the child's physician, if necessary we will also call an ambulance or paramedic at the parent's expense. NOTE: IT IS TO YOUR CHILD'S BENEFIT THAT YOU KEEP THE SCHOOL UP-TO-DATE ON ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, EMERGENCY NUMBERS, AND OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION.


- Emergency Form

- Immunization Form

- Emergency Kit*

*Parents are required to provide an emergency kit for each of their children enrolled in our preschool program. You can purchase one or assemble your own using the sample on display in the classroom . These will be used only in an emergency such as a snow storm, wind storm, or earthquake and will be returned to you at the close of the school year.


Dress your child in comfortable PLAY CLOTHES to encourage active participation in all activities. The clothing should be free of complicated fasteners so the child can be independent when going to the bathroom. Children should always be dressed appropriately for the weather. We go outside to play in all types of weather. Your child's name needs to be placed on all outdoor clothing and other belongings, so the owner can be found. Shoes should have rubber soles. The children are less likely to slip in the classroom and outdoors with this type. The fancy Sunday shoes and cowboy boots are attractive but not practical for preschool.
