Guidance Policy

We are committed to the physical, emotional, and spiritual care of your child. There will be times when a child needs guidance and support in developing respect, self-discipline, and responsible behavior. Our discipline focuses on guidance, education, and caring. Children in the preschool should feel they are loved and accepted for themselves and not for what they do or do not do. This is the foundation of Christ's love for us. To facilitate this, we will use the following guidelines:

1. Prepare the environment so there are enough choices of activities and enough materials available for all of the children.

2. Provide a program which has routine activities roughly taking place at the same time each session.

3. Identify boundaries of acceptable behaviors in advance, making certain the child understands these boundaries.

4. We reinforce positive behaviors.

5. When necessary, we redirect a child to appropriate activity or behavior, if necessary, and as a last resort, a child will be removed from the situation. The child will not be threatened, hit or shamed because of misbehavior.

6. When a child is removed from the situation, she/he may be given clay to pound, time to run outside, balls to throw and encouraged to verbalize his feelings. Although separation from the group will be used as a last resort, it may happen at times.

7. If concern regarding a child's behavior continues, teachers will keep a journal and describe each episode; time, place, those present, what happened, what was done about it, and what they thought may have triggered the behavior. These concerns would then be shared with the parents in a conference.

8. After a parent conference, if the concerns continue or escalate, recommendations for outside professional help will be made or another program suggested.
